Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My Perspective of a happy Marriage

This is my perspective of a Happy Marriage:

One Man and One woman
Loads of laughter
Natural, uninhibited sex
Bits of beautiful Emotion
2 well-balanced children
A few drops - essence of understanding
Love notes and flowers to taste
Pots full of Peace and quiet cups full of Compassion
Scoops of sunshine
Unlimited Love and Faith
Adjustment, Mental Compatibility and Enjoyment
Hours of of happiness, Memories

Take a man and a woman. Link them together in Matrimony. Mix with natural, uninhibited sex and strong, beautiful emotion. Sprinkle a few love-notes and flowers to taste. Mould into two well-balanced children. Then stir in unlimited love and blend well.
Season with loads of laughter and temper with scoops of sunshine. Sift together some faith, mental compatibility and lots of adjustment and add to the mixture. Take care to remove any bits of false pride and hostility that might fall in( DO NOT BEAT). If the mixture seems a bit dry and crusty, soften with several cupsful of Compassion. Flavour with the essence of understanding.
Gently fold in hours of Happiness and enjoyment, mixed equally with potsful of Peace and Quiet. Lastly add handsfuls of beautiful Memories. Bind together firmly until the mixture is smooth and pliable, but not of "A dropping Consistency".
Put this into a tasteful Home - which is well-greased with ever-lasting Hope and Deep Joy. Bake in the warm atmosphere of the Oven of life.

1 comment:

Karthik K.P said...

I wish it could be so !!but only to dream of or to imagine that it's all too well