Friday, March 26, 2010


I have two canines, a cross-breed of a dobermann and a Mutt, and honestly, they are the most adorable ones that any dog lover could ever dream of. I have named them as Rinky & Dinky. My children have termed them even more scientific as "Research & Development" If I was their student, I am sure they would readily teach me a few quick rules which ought not to be forgotten, and I came across this rule of thumb, which I would like to share with each one of you:

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
When it’s in your best interest, always practice obedience.
Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory.
Take naps and always stretch before rising.
Run, romp and play daily.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you’re not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close and nuzzle them gently.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you are criticized, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends.

People are whimsical and at times very philistine, relationships tend to dwindle, children relocate, but your dog - well, your dog is sincere to his last breath. Your dog trusts you to feed him, pamper him, pet him, play with him and treat him well. In return he gives you his unconditional love, his devotion, love and protection. His heart and soul is yours and that is his gift to you. In return your gift to him is to uphold them. There are people in your life, your family who are really special to you in some way or the other.

Have you ever let them down in any way? If you have been bitter to any of them in any way, then you must consider your dog's approach to such a situation. I have seen humans behave in the most inscrutable way. They are so concerned about their appearances, they keep sizing people all the time, at times they forget they behave worse than pseudos. In short they are
real sychophants. But for dogs all this is silly. Appearances are not that important. They are only interested in judging people by their sense of smell. Dogs are so good at openly showing their affections.

My dogs show their happiness with open excitement. That tail of theirs never stops wagging, it must be at least twenty times per second, to be on the safe side. When they listen to our conversation, I know from their expression, what they think, "Oh shit, what a PJ! Don't you have anything better to talk about?" I have seen a look in their eyes, a prompt dispersing, stupefying look that reads something like, "Humans are real Nuts!"

When my mom sits watching the soaps on the television, they get irritated. The reason? She keeps crying at the most stupid serial one can watch. In India, we have a lot of sob serials and they really make you run for cover. My dogs keep wondering, "why do they air such stupid stories in the first place?"

When I feel really down in the dumps at times, which is very rare, my dogs are quick to notice it. They are behind me all the time. Now comes the job of Research And Development from their side. They will not stop to find out what is bugging me. And when I notice that they are giving me a scrutinized look which can be worse than the eye of Sherlock Holmes, I get at them, " What is it you are after?" The elder of the twins will give a low whine, "I know, You are hiding something. Out with it!" If nothing works then they have their heads on my lap, with a lugubrious look. There is nothing I can hold back then. A big nuzzle is what they deserve and that is what can satiate them. They then turn really obstreperous!

Patience is something I learned from my dogs. We humans hardly ever have that in our system. Try foregoing one meal a day and the humans are capable of turning the world upside down, but dogs have tremendous power of patience, trying to understand the circumstances for their starvation. They are known for their allegiance towards their owners without any rancor. They will never bilk or forsake you under any circumstances.

They are complaisant to any given condition of environment. They are persistent to the core. Their attitude is to never give up. That is another of the lessons I have learnt from them. They can teach anyone on safe guarding their personal property. If we have guests with children, and they happen to lay their hands on their toys, or getting too close to be friendly, the next moment they have their hair on their neck standing at ends like the Porcupine standing in defense. So, we humans ought to learn from this: If someone gets too close to you, even if it is just for flirting, show them some of your fangs.

Their discernment about people is something amazing and blatant. There was this particular grocery boy who was regularly delivering the provisions to our home. From day one, as far as I can remember both my canines never took to liking him. It was a virtual lambaste from their end. That guy looked so very innocent, until one day, he was caught in their net, stealing the paper weight from the centre table. Nothing can stop the vicious grip if caught. His shriek brought all of us to see what happened. He was forced to tell us that he was trying to steal the object of his fancy. That was the last time he was ever seen on his job as a delivery boy. So, they do tend to be belligerent when the need arises. So, entry to our home is only through the 'Check-Post.'

All in all they are very humble and polite. A simple hug or a kiss is enough to send them to raptures. These are little things that matter a lot and from which we can learn from them. When my son comes home, even if only for a short visit, it is a cause for celebration. They are very attached to my children as they miss them a lot. Dinky, the younger of the twins is most of the time very obdurate. She has her own logic about certain things in life and till today it is sad to say that I have never understood why she keeps whining even after handing her all that she has asked for, on a platter. My daughter often jokes, "Mom, give her a good kick on the ass then she'll stop whining." That can never come from me because I am too soft for that, especially
towards children and animals.

They are both very feminine. They love good perfumes, and have a keen aesthetic sense. Yes, they do cringe at the very first instance in making friends. They need time to warm up, and I feel they are always on the low gear. That gear never changes to the top, until and unless the person at the other end is really striking to look at, somewhat breath-taking, that can cause a thunder in their hearts. Then it is in top gear and nothing can stop them.

As cited by Jerome. K. Jerome, " They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation." Well every dog has his day!

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