Saturday, April 18, 2009

My belief in the Super Natural


As far as I can remember, right from my childhood, I was a bit on the courageous side. Even in school, when my friends would talk about a house being haunted I would gently nudge them and say, "There is no such thing as Ghosts or the supernatural." I would keep assuring them that it was their psychology that was working or that their imagination was running wild. Until the day my mom wanted to take me to my Uncle's house in South Karnataka, for the summer holidays. I was too excited about going there as I had a strange fascination for that house, being on top of the hill with a good view of the entire town below and thick forests all around.

Since dad was too busy with his job, both mom and I decided to go on our own. Things began taking a strange turn right from the word "Start'. As we got into the bus, on hearing of our destination, the driver of the bus and the Ticket collector shared an eerie glance at each other. I, being the usual "Mata Haari" asked them if anything was wrong. They said," No, but that place, are you really sure you want to go there?" Sure, I had made up my mind and that was final. So, he dropped us mid-way on the hill and directed us to reach my uncle's place. All along we were
chugging our luggage and enjoying the beauty of the place. By now it was slowly turning to dusk. We trudged along and finally reached the house. Knocking on the huge doors, we were welcomed by my aunt who ushered us in. After the usual chat and a quick dinner, I excused myself to hit the bed early. As I turned in, I felt I was being watched. Thinking it was my imagination, as I was too tired, I turned on my side trying to get some sleep. Half way through my sleep, I felt someone brushing my hair, in a caressing manner. Me and my guts! I turned to see who it was and found that the window was open. I remember shutting it well. Who could have opened it? I got up to close the window. I managed to get some sleep.

When I woke up, my mom said she was going to the nearby temple with my aunt, so if I wished I could sleep a bit longer and have a leisurely bath. That sounded great. This was just for a short while as my cousin came in asking me to come and have agood view of the lake near the house. We had a light breakfast and then a quick bath. My cousin usually gets the clothes washed at the lake, so she said," C'mon, as we wash the clothes we can catch up on all the talking." I agreed to this. By now it was around noon. With the basket of clothes we followed the narrow path towards the lake. I enjoyed the chirping of the birds, something I never get in the city, the cool summer breeze and the lively chatter from my cousin. On reaching the lake, as I laid the basket of clothes on the hard rock, I got a glimpse of the lake. It was marshy, and something kept telling me there is something fishy going on here. The lake was as good as telling me,"Go back, You are not wanted here." I turned to my cousin to tell her what I felt and the next minute found her saying, "Hey, I forgot the soap. Could you just wait here, until I fetch the soap?" Not
realizing what was in store for me, I replied, "Sure, but do make it fast. This heat is unbearable". I was left all alone near the lake. Nothing happened for the first few moments. I t was then that I heard the dry twigs crackling, the sound that you get when someone is stealthily coming closer to you. I turned around to ask, " Yes, is someone here?" No answer coming, I got up, looked all around me, and then called out to my cousin, "Usha, are you back as yet?" Again no reply.

Now I decided to retrace my steps back to the house, wondering what's taking her so long. I began walking when I felt that someone was just a few inches behind me and the deep breath that one takes. I slowly hastened my steps, the steps behind me also began hastening, still a little faster steps I took, again the speed of the one behind me hastened. I started running, my long hair giving way and then all along I began screaming, "Mummy, where are you, there is someone behind me." My cousin who was standing on the steps of the house, saw me in tears and shouted, "Run straight to the Prayer room, don't turn back, for god's sake". I just gate-crashed to the room and fell down crying at the altar. I do not know how long I sat there. It was my aunt who had just come back from the temple, who shook me and assured me not to get worried. I asked her, "What was that?" She replied that she would tell us when we relaxed.

It was now the turn of my mom who had just turned in from the temple. Being a hot and a sultry climate, she decided to have a bath. The bathroom was the old thatched type where the cows were also resting next to the make-shift bathroom. My mom had just got ready when there was a loud mooing from the cows. My mom in her usual pratter, asked, "Yes, what's wrong?" She then noticed that the cow was speaking through her eyes and focussing her sight to someone standing behind mom. Seeing no one, mom thought she was imagining. By now the cow started began beating her hoofs on the ground with a loud thud. Mom decided not to have her bath, just a quick wash. What happened next is something to be seen to be believed. The cow did jump pretty high, trying to save mom, (my mom was already on the ground with a loud thud), and ran with her tail high as if chasing somebody to butt the thing with its horns.

We thought this was too much for one day. We urged our uncle and aunt to spill the beans. It was then revealed that a young man, around 26-27 years was murdered by his mother and her paramour and then his body was dumped in the lake, several years back. Since that day, though the body was fished out, the ghost keeps haunting every one in that house. I decided we leave that very day back to our home in the city. My experience has indeed brought me to believe that there is something called Paranormal beings and if that spirit is not given the chance to pass over we are bound to be victims of such situations.

I wish the stars of the super-hit serial, "Super Naturals" read this. They surely ought to visit this place, but I am not sure if it still exists as the last I heard was that the place has been converted into some oil factory. God help the poor soul!

1 comment:

Durgesh Shastri said...

You write well.your supernatural story was very interesting.:)