Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this. As the saying goes, "One dog does not change a bone with another." I believe that good breeding carries along with it a dignity that is respected by the most petulant. Ill breeding invites and authorizes the familiarity of the most timid.

Why does a Man hit a Woman? Is it to show his superiority? If that was the case, may I ask each of you readers, how you are going to measure the level of superiority in a man or a woman? There is no specific answer to that.

Each one of us have a choice over what we do in life. But there are also equal number of things that we do not have control over. Once a couple decide to get married they have their own case histories, friends and families. It is more like a package deal. Each one of the couple is expected to tolerate beyond endurance all the relationships they encounter during their marital bliss.

In India, a woman does not marry just the man she is betrothed to, but also to his entire family bandwagon, to be explicit. It is at this point when the woman puts her foot down, that she gets bashed from her husband. I know of such a woman who has been at the receiving end all her life, and also being used as a punching bag. She had a genius of a husband who can put even the worst terrorist to shame, as he was very shrewd, calculative and super smart for all the wrong things in this world.

On occasions when this woman, my friend, to be more humane, took the bleak chance to vacation with her children at her parents place, or even her in-laws(who never bothered to find out what was amiss in their dear son's marital life), it was time to have a grand time for the husband. On all occasions he invited women to his official residence and had a grand orgy without his wife ever suspecting.

Suspicion soon gave in to the wife finding out the bare truth on her return from vacations. The numerous blank calls at all odd hours of the night gave her nightmares, as the husband would go on a night shift. The one thing that got her petrified was the constant reminder from her callers, always accompanied with a threat, " In your absence your husband used our wives, it is our turn now."

Innocent as she was, she confronted her husband and that was the first time she knew the meaning of "FEROCITY." Down came the lashes, quick as lightning came the slaps with a burning effect, worse than the effect of hot iron from her husband that knocked her two teeth out. All through the night, she bore all in silence as her screams were muffled to silence with her mouth gagged.

She told no one as none seemed to believe her pathetic story. Her husband played the role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde to a 'T'. She stayed on with this torture for 15 years just for the sake of her children. There was no way she could seek judicial help or Police help as her husband squandered his earnings feeding these people with sumptuous gifts in all manners. His iniquity was held in high esteem.

Yet, she stuck to her moral values and disciplined upbringing. She held onto her virtues and Principles in life with her head held high. Words had hurt her more than the wounds she suffered in life. She imparted the same moral values and upbringing to her children too, just to make them good citizens in future.

Today, when she has decided to live separately from her husband, there is no relief either from the judicial side or from her husband's family. Her life is a recluse! She leads a parsimonious life, struggling hard to bring her children up, seeking monetary help which she needs to re-pay. Yet, she maintained a smiling countenance in front of her children, as she was not the "Giving - Up Type." It was only in the hushed silence and stillness of the dark lonely night that she shed her taciturn tears.

The Indian Laws are such that they take a pride in keeping a huge backlog of Matrimonial Cases, for more than a decade, even when it has reached the stage of the Judgment order. The older it gets, the more exciting it is like old Wine. Indian Laws are notorious for serving a Royal treatment to the Transgressors. You are considered a great man if you have hit your wife even once in your life-time. If you have not hit your wife, then you are definitely labelled "A Psycho." So, the next time think of India and dream of romancing around a tree with your Prince charming, just be careful, you could be sleeping with the enemy.

Think of any place and it will be swarming with bigots full of counterfeit ideas and dreams in their grey matter, only to end up disillusioning you. Humility is a virtue all preach, but none practice, and yet everybody is content to hear.

As quoted by Burke, " Humanity cannot be degraded by humiliation. It is it's very character to submit to such things. There is a consanguinity between benevolence and humility. They are virtues of the same stock."

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