Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The Quest for Happiness

Happiness is not in how much we have, but in how much we enjoy in what we have at the present moment. It all depends on the manner in which we meet the daily events occurring in our lives. The quest for happiness is incessant. Happiness in reality comes from peace of mind and this in fact comes from self-discipline. A daily effort from each individual should not be difficult as, gradually one gets habituated to it.
One must be determined to be happy. Come what may, one must see to it that negative thinking is avoided as it totally retards the progress of any individual. By setting a goal in life, and thinking positively about achieving it, one can certainly reach it to attain happiness. Today we all are facing a competitive and a fast moving world. Most people face a common problem today. They get distressed about what they do not have, rather than trying to be happy about what they do have. No person is either so happy or so unhappy as he can imagine.
The quest for happiness lies in keeping our mind occupied. All crestfallen and depressed thoughts have a great forte of encroaching the vacuum of a vacant mind. The best option for an individual is to keep
himself occupied with good creative thoughts. This can be achieved by cultivating an interest in a wide variety of subjects. These can keep one very busy and thus block the way for those thoughts that can rip off
one's mental peace and eqilibrium.
Man counts happiness in various dimensions; and the faster he follows it the swifter it flies from him. The fact is that everything promises happiness to us at a distance, but when we come nearer, either we fall
short of it or it falls short of our expectations; and it becomes difficult to say which of these is the greatest disappointment. Our hopes are usually bigger than the enjoyment can satisfy.
Laughter is synonymous with happiness. One must learn to laugh from the heart, or sometimes even at themselves for the blunder that they do in their life, as that makes one feel light and fresh. When one begins to see the humorous side of their problems in their day-to-day life, then there is nothing that can depress them.
As SENECA truly quoted,"The true felicity of life is to be free from anxieties and perturbations; to understand and do our duties to God and man, and to enjoy the present without any serious dependence on
the future".

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