Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What does one say about today’s children of the Richie Rich clan? I am sure many of you have observed them in every corner of this huge world. How do they behave? Why do they behave in this manner? What is it that makes them behave thus? Is it the over confidence in them? Is it that they think they shall remain as Super Street Smart brats all their life and that there is no one to outsmart them? Or is it more money than education?

Readers, I have observed many kids in my area who come from affluent families. Families where both the parents work, slog but they just do not have the time and energy to stop for a moment to see how their children are growing up, to see what their children are doing in their absence. It is painful to see these very children who were toddlers once upon a time, lose their innocence that was child-like. They have matured overnight at the tender age of eight and nine years to give you the full history of the birds, the bees and etc. etc. Where did they learn all this trash? They are full of attitudes; egos and they are head strong for all the wrong things in this world that one can ever imagine.

Am I pained? Yes, terribly! These creative minds could have been put to better use. How are they doing academically, you may ask. Sorry, the answer is a big Zero. Are they talented? Yes, they definitely are. At what? Well, they could get the first prize for fishing Girls. And the girls are no less. As shameless as one could imagine them to be – very provocative to the male advances at the age of seven years.

When it is festival time and vacations, the residents are up in arms at these kids. Do you know why? These kids have a good taste for whiling their time on the street dogs. Their modus operandi goes something like this: The gang splits, looking for stray dogs or pups sleeping for shelter in the drains, or in some deep dug holes in the ground. Once they find their victims, a message is passed as stealthily as one can imagine, to the others in the gang.

Without the poor dogs or the pups ever suspecting anything foul, these merciless brats start a firework inside the drains that are dry, the dogs just have no chance of escape as on all sides there are endless fireworks screaming away. The result, the dogs along with their little ones are dead in no time, either through fear, or suffocation or a heart failure. This is not the end. Readers, there are more to this pathetic story.

The other way of disposing the street dogs is to just mercilessly take the pups that are hardly a month old and flush them into the manholes. Did anyone mention about Animal Rights or Save the Animals, something on that line? What do you say to an act like this?

This is the general entertainment for most of the Richie rich brats of today. I have tried to stop this act and what did I get in return? Brickbats from the parents saying they are not your dogs, so why are you so concerned? Sure, they are not my dogs, nor are the dogs theirs, BUT they do have life and every right to live a decent life just like you and me, isn’t it? I asked them, what if the tables were turned and you exchanged places with a dog’s life for just that moment when they succumbed to death in that barbaric way the children did to them. Guess the answer that came from the educated eggheads of today’s multi – national companies. “We are born never to suffer.” So much of Ego!

I had nothing much to say but just mumble under my breath: “ Vinaasha Kaala, Viparitha Buddhi.”

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