Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Namma Bengaluru

The City of Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) was once a placid place. During my childhood, I would wait to go for long drives with my father, just to see the greenery on both sides of the roads with orange Blossoms adding to a beauty that was very natural. The air was cool, crisp, fresh and the soft refreshing wind had a music of its own. People were naive, simple- hearted and friendly to the core. They were graded into Crepuscular category of people who were pliable to any given situation without rescinding in any way.

Today, I find most people in an abstruse state of mind. They cringe the moment you seek help. They have turned themselves to become hedonists. My childhood happiness and innocence about this city is ephemeral. Everyone's behavior is poignant.

You call the staff for any house-hold problems, the reaction is very languid. Their standard answer is, "Madame, I shall be there in just ten minutes", (when the distance from Jayanagar to Uptown is beyond ten minutes of reaching time), I imagine them to come either flying or on hot roller-skates, they never come or call to say or apologize for not coming on time, worse not coming at all. They are not dedicated in their profession.

You dare stress on this point and ask them the reason for not showing up, then you are left wondering about the Technician's levity. Go one step further and with the helmet on your head be prepared to hear the words on a musical note, "Solpa Adjust Maadi, Saar." ( Meaning please do compromise).

Try denouncing all that you encounter on some bad day of yours, then you are sure to end up with brick-bats. Yes, you might say it is Onerous but when the mass of humanity has the same attitude, you have no choice. The best thing is to quietly traverse and expulcate yourself for getting into such a situation.

Everyone in this city is desperately trying real hard to enhance their life-style through their own machinations. This is a city of dreams for the impoverished mediocre class of people, where a government like that of the Karnataka State, at present will never allow it to be accomplished. People will scramble in vain to get themselves on the front pages of the Morning newspapers or even on Page 3.

You just have to silently watch and condone all that you see and hear around you. No, I am not being negative. I am putting it straight across. People around the globe, have a high regard for this wonderful city, but it is sad to say that they are dis-illusioned. "Never Judge a book by its cover, as appearances can be very deceptive to the naked eye.

I am not intimidated of those compassionate and meticulous consciences who are ever cautious of asserting and believing too much; if they are genuinely wrong, I shall definitely forgive their errors and respect their virtues. The people I am suspicious about are those who believe everything on this planet, subscribe to everything and vote for everything.

The people who make a difference in your life are certainly NOT the one's with the most credentials, the most money or the most awards. They are the one's who really care.

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