Thursday, March 25, 2010


Rape and Molestation is fast becoming a very common means of recreation for the men in India. A land once considered to be the most religious, where women are respected and placed on a high pedestal, the epitome of Modesty and Veneration.

At the beginning of the day, I sit down to enjoy my morning cup of fresh tea, and what do I see in bold letters?

That a young girl of twelve years was continuously raped for a span of One and a half years by nobody else but her cousin, his friends and neighbors, at knife - point. Why is it that they do not see the pain and damage they're doing to someone. This poor girl was left at the tender age of nine months by her parents who divorced and got remarried and went about their own lives, leaving the toddler with her aunt. It is beyond my understanding how in the first place the biological parents could just abandon their child at this age. Are they not aware of their moral responsibilities? Why did they bring their child into this world then?

Is it because they wanted to have so much fun for the fifteen - twenty minutes that they did not realize what is the repercussion of their actions? Where has the sense of humanity gone from these people's minds?

What happens to such a story? Our Indian mentality is such that people just give lip-sympathy for a few moments, or the other worst thing that they are famous for is that the girl has a really bad character so she invited the guys to screw her. Am I right? In the very first place, I would like to ask you readers why is it that these hoodlums never thought of stripping their mothers or their sisters to just enlighten themselves about the female anatomy? Do they have the audacity to stand in front of the women folk in their homes and command the ladies, "C'mon, strip, (or rather) I wish to see you in your birthday suit!" Why not be prepared to get a black eye from their mothers or a smashing of their heads with the rolling pin for making such a shameless demand?

Next comes the crazy devilish idea of raping the foreign tourists in no other place but the beach or a hotel room. What is it that the Indian men go so crazy about a white skin to rape her or molest her? She is a woman like any other woman. Or is it that the act converts their skin texture to become white that is passed on to them from the raped woman? When will these men learn to stay away from such gruesome acts? I feel it is because many unemployed frustrated youth rape a woman belonging to an affluent class because of jealousy or revenge, not just lust. These people are just plain, hard - core, pedophiles, who just cannot be cured.

I keep reading news practically once in every two days about men in their sixties and seventies raping a child of six months or even less than that. What sort of sexual gratification are they looking for? Every time a man sees a woman, why is it that his mind is always on a One-Track, at full speed? The first thought that races in his mind is, "Hahn she will be really good in bed!" Why is it that no good thoughts come to that blasted head of his? To the best of my knowledge, whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Our indian laws are in no way helping the victims of Rape and Molestation. In courts their reputation are attacked if it is revealed that they were raped or molested. This makes them reluctant to complain against their assailant, which in turn encourages rape. The increase in rapes could also be because more women are coming forward with their complaints. Yes, I do understand that in some states in India, the police on its part is trying to sensitize it’s police force, and have conducted several sensitization programs to make those at lower levels understand that even a prostitute has feelings and has a right to say no.

I have lived in many metropolitan cities in India and I must say that I have come across men who are so sexually starved that you feel like pushing them to a pack of hungry hyenas. There are men who try to touch or brush past the women in crowded places, in the hope of grabbing a feel. There are scores of men I have seen exposing themselves at railway stations, bus stations and once even on a roadside where I had gone for a walk! These are termed as 'Sexual Perverts!" One may find such people in Temples, the most famous being the Udupi Krishna Temple, where cracks come just for the heck of pinching a woman's bottom. They seem to get a nice kick out of this act.

So we women have to take all these in our stride and accept it as a part and parcel of our Indian society. It is of no use complaining at the police Station. They do nothing and very often they are well-known to give statements such as " Such a thing has never happened before." The truth is that it has happened a number of times but no one dared to come and complain for fear of retaliation. What is our Law doing about all these sex maniacs? They are left on bail and then no sooner are they out, they wait for their next victim.

This is India, dear foreign tourists!!! In my opinion, all Rapists and Molesters should be executed. That would perhaps start the healing process. It is high time every man understands one fact and that is, that a woman is not just meant for sex or that she is readily available as and when he needs her.

Our Indian government should start taking more stringent measures to tackle such cases. Every Rapist or Molestor should be hung upside down from a public place and the public should be given the right to stone him to death. That will serve the purpose in the right manner.

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