Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When Laws are laid down ONLY to be broken...


I was travelling in a bus the other day, when I noticed the passenger sitting in the seat before me spitting out of the window every five minutes. The problem was all that was released from his mouth, was being slapped onto the people sitting behind him at the window seat. Here in the city where I live, people have got enormous Patience for all the wrong things anyone can ever ask for. I tapped this man and forbade him from doing what he was doing.

The next moment he was ready with blows, asking me if the bus belonged to my father. All of a sudden I lost my cool and retorted, "It does not matter to whom this bus belongs to, but you are definitely losing all touch with the basic civic sense, and putting everyone to great inconvenience. And if you would like to meet my father, you are most welcome to take a One-way ticket to the heavens and meet him there. He is a Military man and may be he could give you some good Army- training and kick you back to this earth."

It is no use blaming others and it is the responsibility of the parents, elders and teachers to restrain themselves and inculcate correct values in the children. The person I spoke about in the above para, was well-dressed like any person in the Corporate office, and I am ashamed to say that such people have no sense of Corporate etiquette even in Public. My raised voice brought the bus to a halt, and the person was off-loaded, simply because the driver and the conductor was scared about my look, which spelt doomsday for all. Do or die, that was my message. But then, I cannot go about changing every Tom, Dick and Harry's mind-set. Right?
Discipline is vital to every living being.Without discipline, mankind will just crash. Discipline means the maintenance of certain regulations that contribute to the glory of the very existence. It is the ability of a person to endure and it is ultimately this person who endures, that experiences victory in the long run. A society or a government is formed only through discipline. It is the fundamental crest of social life. An indisciplined individual usually ends up with a mental block and finally ends up despising himself. A man's discipline is based on his pride in every action, on all the meticulous tasks that he does, and the mutual respect and confidence that he has maintained with the people and the society he moves around.

Life has become intolerable today as people do not follow rules and are totally indisciplined. Indiscipline can be said to be the breakdown of moral and ethical values. Instead of being law abiding and honest, people are becoming greedy, violent, and corrupt and are ready to go to any lengths to achieve their personal goals and ambitions. They are no longer ready to wait to get what is due to them but will steal, snatch or kill. People also know how to by pass the law to avoid punishment.

Take for example, the ordinary queue for the local bus. People never stand waiting in a line. There is a mad rush once the bus arrives. The result is a total chaos. It cannot be taught but it has to be practiced right from the early childhood with a lot of patience and consistency. Today, the mind set has come to such a stage that all rules have been made only to be disobeyed and everyone thinks what they do is right.

As Dwight said," Every child should be taught to pay all his debts, and to fulfil all his contracts, exactly in manner, completely in value, punctually at the time. Everything he has borrowed, he should be obliged to return uninjured at that time specified, and everything belonging to others which he has lost, he should be required to replace."

Strict punctuality is, perhaps, the cheapest virtue that can give force to an otherwise utterly insignificant character. How often has one come across people who fix an appointment and then ask you to wait or rather the other way around? Why do we forget that when we make an appointment with another person we have to assume the responsibility of punctuality, and that we have absolutely no right whatsoever to waste other's time.

Ignorance and absence of discipline is the cause of man's troubles. Discipline is learnt in the school of catastrophe. It helps in the determination to do or die. Discipline teaches one the art of diplomacy where you can do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way, and yet get your job done. As Maria Montessori quotes: "Discipline must come through liberty... We do not consider an individual disciplined only when he has been rendered as artificially silent as a mute and as immovable as a paralytic. He is an individual annihilated, not disciplined." Every person in this world has a lot of dreams. But, we should remember that to make this dream a reality, what is needed is a lot of determination, dedication, effort and the ability to be self-disciplined.

Careful analysis of all the men who are known to be successful have disclosed the fact that they had all failed many a times before arriving at success. The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never really does anything. So, one should not be afraid of committing mistakes provided that they do not repeat the same mistake again. When you reach that degree of wisdom, which prompts you to see less of the weaknesses of others and more of your own, then you will be walking in the company of the really great.

The great Edison failed ten thousand times before he made the incandescent electric light work; do not be discouraged and quit but keep trying till you succeed. As Confucius rightly said: " Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

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