Monday, November 3, 2008

"Charity Begins At Home"

Every good act is Charity. When you smile in your brother's face, it is charity; an exhortation of your fellow-man to virtuous deeds, is as good as alms-giving; When you put a wanderer onto the right road, is charity; when you remove stones and thorns, and other obstructions from the road, is charity; when you give food and water to the hungry and thirsty, is charity.

A man's true wealth is the good that he does in this world to his fellow-man. When he dies, people will say,"What property has he left behind him?" But then the angels will ask, "What good deeds has he sent before him?" This is one of the sayings.

The old saying, "Charity begins at home;" but I find no reason as to why it should not go abroad: A man must live with this world as a true citizen, he may have his own preferences, likes or dislikes, but he should have the magnanimous feeling for the welfare of mankind.

A man should fear when he enjoys only the good things he does publicly as it is nothing but publicity he seeks rather than charity. It is a kind of vanity rather than altruism that gives rise to such types of Charities. Giving work to the poor people rather than alms, helps in driving out and banishing indolence, thereby giving rise to industry.

While actions are always to be judged by the immutable standard of right and wrong, the judgement we pass upon men must be qualified by considerations of age, country, situation, and other incidental circumstances; and it will then be found, that he who is most charitable in his judgement, is generally the least unjust - as quoted by Southey.

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