Friday, October 25, 2013

Where have we lost our peace of mind?

How often have we heard today from the very next person that we have encountered about them not having any peace of mind in their lives.   Perhaps, the reason,  I believe is that today we have thrown caution to the winds and have ended putting us to worrying for those reasons that were never there in the first place.  I would like to share these pearls of wisdom, which I hope many of you would surely agree to.

Minding Our Own Business:

It’s time we learned to stop interfering in other people’s affairs.   Many of us have just forgotten to understand the meaning of giving people SPACE.  This could be because most of us have taken it for granted we have the best logic available in today’s Super Market and that those around us who refuse to come in to our line of thinking need to be condemned and pulled by their horns into the right direction.

For a fraction of a few precious moments, have we thought that we are indeed violating the person’s uniqueness?  When we look at the five fingers on our palms, what exactly do we see?  Are they all the same?  The same point applies here to every individual created by the Almighty, and we ought to respect every individual for the beautiful creation bestowed by God.  So do we really need to cross the thin line of ethics?

Forgiving And Forgetting:

This sounds so very simple and easy.  It’s understandable that putting it into practice is a Herculean task.  When the people whom we love, trust and whom we respect, hurt us, we do have the strong urge to cultivate antagonism.  By doing this, I believe that we are the ones who suffer the most.  So, let us learn to lie low and concentrate the art of counting to ten whenever we encounter moments of hatred from such people.

Looking out for False Flattery:

We live in the midst of different types of people – some who are egotistic, mercenaries and dogmatic.  They are those people who have no words like ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’ or the basic ethics in their dictionary.  You will be able to recognize these people in no time.  They are oozing with sweetness when they need to get something out of you.  But, once their job is done, you are not in their list of known people.

These are the people who will lavish praises on you when you are in the limelight with a good financial backing, having the power to be with the rich, elite and the cream of society.  They do take pride in letting the people less known to them about their contacts with you, which clearly indicates a very low self-esteem.   The moment you are dethroned from your high horse, these very same people are out to pull you down in public and sneer at you.  YOU’VE BECOME A VILLAIN OVERNIGHT.

Do not be the Green-eyed Monster:

What does envy do to anybody?  It pulls people apart.  Instead of being envious, why can’t the people strive to work hard and learn how to climb the ladder of success?  No, these envious people do not have the time for all that and even if they do have they would like to waste it on plotting the downfall of the successful people with new strategies up their sleeves.  They end up telling all and sundry – “ I just cannot sleep at night.”   Naturally, how can they get sleep, when they are busy rolling on the bed looking out for a new scheme till the crack of dawn!!

We need to do our duty first and leave the fruits of it to the Almighty.  Instead of wasting time blaming others for our mis-fortune, let us start using our time in a constructive way.  Envy is a passion so full of cowardice and shame, that nobody ever had the confidence to own it. 

Let us change ourselves to the environment around us:

What happens when you expect the whole world to change to your attitude?  We could end up hearing everyone say – Why must I change for him or her?  I shall be the way I am. Accept it or leave it.   The point in question is – this is where we need to change ourselves to the given circumstances, compromise a bit and be easy to handle for others to move on and to allow us to move on in life.   What I mean to say that if you want to live in Peace and harmony learn to be practical, and accommodative in all spheres.

Learn to tolerate what cannot be Remedied:

In our daily routine, we do face so many situations that often make us reach our saturation point.  We come across people who just refuse to change.  We cannot help but give in to their mind-set.   I believe that either we endure them or we stay away from such toxic people who corrode our lives.  They are so full of negativity that we tend to feel we have reached the fag end of our lives. 

Do not bite more than you can chew:

These are statutory warnings that need to be etched in our brains.  We ought to know our limits and capacities to take on the responsibilities entrusted to us.   I believe in the old saying: “All work and no play makes Jack a Dull boy.” There should be a perfect balance in the work we do and in the time we utilize for rest and recreation. We need to stop thinking too much and start working on our goals in life, too.  Unwanted thinking always results in a restless mind.

Learn to be calm and relaxed:

Peace of mind is best achieved with a calm mind.  Meditating best does this, which helps in giving out your best and be more focused in life.  You begin to get clarity in your thinking and reasoning too.  Once this stage is reached you automatically learn to see success in all that you do.

An Idle Mind is A Devil’s workshop:

When you have nothing better to do the whole day, that’s when evil thoughts are bred inside you.  Learn to keep yourself occupied with what best you are able to achieve in getting peace of mind.  It could be putting your dormant talents to use, taking up hobbies that you have long ago left behind, doing a charitable work that can give you a sense of fulfillment in seeing joy in another person’s life.   If we tend to look around us, we would surely notice that there are a lot of jobs pending that we had decided to pick on sometime and never pulled ourselves to getting it done.

Stop Procrastinating and lamenting:

Delays are always very dangerous.  We ought to write it in our hearts that every day is the best day in the year.   No man ever served God by doing things to-morrow.  If we are blessed, then it’s only because of the things that we do to day.   As Young quoted, “ Procrastination is the thief of time; year after year it steals till all are fled, and to the mercies of a moment leaves the vast concerns of an eternal scene.”   

I believe that the procrastinator is not only indolent and weak but commonly false too;  most of the weak are false.